hitzak: xabi makulu
Egidazue mesede BÅT
utz nazazue pakean gaur
nazka-nazka eginda nago denaz
gogoa ilun
utz nazazue pakean
tantaz tanta dirugoseak
estali du den-dena
tantaz tanta onetsi dugu pozoi ustela
utz nazazue, gaur utz nazazue
ez dut indarrik ni bakarrik
denak beste aldean
“[...] Human life for us is sacred [...]
but we will put the enemy in the position
where they will have to choose
between giving us freedom
or giving us death.
(Emmelin Pankhurst)
eta jasotzean burua
etsipena garaitzean
kasu egidazue
oraindik maite banauzue
nolanahi ere
dilema faltsutan ez sartu
“gurekin ala etsai, aberri ala hil”
ez dut ezerren karnetarik nahi
ez gogoetarik gabe
“[...]we were no longer to be ignored by the politicians”.
Ůtopia oro
2lakatzen al da distopia?
hutsetik hasi, maitasuna erdian
Helduidazue, emaidazue
nik maitatu, nik emango egingo dizuet
“[...] At school [...] you teach us not to fight with others, to work things out, to respect others, [...] not to hurt other creatures, to share, not be greedy. Then, why do you go out and do the things you tell us not to do?
[...] I am only a child, yet I know if all the money spent on war was spent on finding environmental answers ending poverty and in finding treaties, what a wonderful place this Earth would be.”
(Severn Cullis-Suzuki)
Egin BÅT, elkarrekin,
horratx senda2dea
Entzuidazue, esna nago orain
kasu egidazue, aukera bakarra agian:
Hutsetik hasi
maitasuna erdian
maitasuna a2apuntu
hutsetik hasi