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THANKS TO THE "ADUR" (a basque magic force) 
lyrics by xabi makulu

"Art is a kiss, a human kiss, out of the world."

Ruth Velazquez


When you can't

when everything goes wrong

give (give it without taboos)

a chance to drugs

In this hopelessly decadent world

smoke the music

or snort a verse

for example…

Perhaps a movie?

They say that Van Gogh drank yellow paint

to brighten the spirit

to absorb energy...

listen to yellow rays in his mouth

the force of the sea in his chest

shooting stars

and stop the siege of pain and fear


My nation? My imagination

and my house

whatever is capable of intensely igniting my heart


And in the dark, what to do?

how to cure all this pain?

Yellow van, London calling,

crocodile lovers, Santiago and the marlin,

La Maga on the Bridge of Arts, in Paris,

and "Lekeitioak" and "voglio una donna"

and very long-legged elephants,

uncle's red hoses (oui mon oncle),

Susuwatari soots, gymnopedia…

behold the best medicine* 

*Yellow van (Littlɘ Miss Sunshinɘ, Jonathan Dayton, Valɘriɘ Faris, Michaɘl Årndt)

London Calling (Thɘ Clash)

Crocodile lovers (Codɘx Sɘraphinianus)

Santiago and the marlin (Thɘ Öld Man and thɘ Sɘa,  Ernɘst Hɘmingway)

La Maga on the Bridge of Arts  (Rayuɘla, Julio Cortazar)

Lɘkɘitioak (Mikɘl Laboa)

Voglio una donna ! (Åmarcord, Fɘdɘrico Fɘllini)

Very long-legged elephants (Salvador Dalí)

Uncle's Red hoses (Mon onclɘ, Jaquɘs Tatí)

Susuwatari soots (となりのトトロ ɘta 千と千尋の神隠し, Hayao Miyazaki)

Gimnopɘdiak (Gymnopɘdiɘs, Erik Satiɘ)

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